Building an ML-ops pipeline on AWS — Part 2: model deployment

Neha Tomar
9 min readSep 12, 2022


As companies adopt machine learning across their organizations, building, training, and deploying ML models manually become bottlenecks for innovation. Establishing MLOps patterns allows you to create repeatable workflows for all stages of the ML lifecycle and are key to transitioning from the manual experimentation phase to production. MLOps helps companies innovate faster by boosting productivity of data science and ML teams in creating and deploying models with high accuracy.

At a high level, Here I will create two pipelines using CloudFormation in two different parts:

1. Part 1: Model training pipeline is available at

2. Part 2: Model deployment pipeline

This is part 2 of the series.

Part 1 is accessible at

Here, we are ready to create the CloudFormation template for the CodePipeline training pipeline. This pipeline will listen to changes to a CodeCommit repository and invoke the Step Functions workflow we created in part 1:

  1. Copy and save the following code block to a file called mlpipeline.yaml. This is the template for building the training pipeline.
Description: CodeCommit branch name
Type: String
Default: master
Description: CodeCommit repository name
Type: String
Default: MLSA-repo
Description: ML project name
Type: String
Default: FinanceSentiment
Description: Step Function Arn
Type: String
Default: arn:aws:states:ca-central-1:300165273893:stateMachine:TrainingStateMachine2-89fJblFk0h7b
Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
DeletionPolicy: Delete
Type: 'AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline'
Name: codecommit-events-pipeline
RoleArn: !GetAtt CodePipelineServiceRole.Arn
Type: S3
Location: !Ref CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket
- Name: Source
- Name: SourceAction
Category: Source
Owner: AWS
Version: 1
Provider: CodeCommit
- Name: SourceOutput
BranchName: !Ref BranchName
RepositoryName: !Ref RepositoryName
PollForSourceChanges: false
RunOrder: 1
- Name: ModelBuilding
- Name: ExecuteSagemakerMLOpsStepFunction
- Name: SourceOutput
Category: Invoke
Owner: AWS
Version: 1
Provider: StepFunctions
- Name: myOutputArtifact
StateMachineArn: !Ref MlOpsStepFunctionArn
ExecutionNamePrefix: finbert
InputType: FilePath
Input: sf_start_params.json
RunOrder: 1
Type: S3
Location: !Ref CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket
Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role'
Version: 2012-10-17
- Effect: Allow
Action: 'sts:AssumeRole'
Path: /
- PolicyName: AWS-CodePipeline-Service-3
Version: 2012-10-17
- Resource: '*'
Effect: Allow
- 'codecommit:CancelUploadArchive'
- 'codecommit:GetBranch'
- 'codecommit:GetCommit'
- 'codecommit:GetUploadArchiveStatus'
- 'codecommit:UploadArchive'
- Resource:
- !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket}/*
Effect: Allow
- s3:PutObject
- s3:GetObject
- s3:GetObjectVersion
- s3:GetBucketVersioning
- Resource: "*"
Effect: Allow
- codebuild:StartBuild
- codebuild:BatchGetBuilds
- iam:PassRole
- states:DescribeStateMachine
- states:StartExecution
- states:DescribeExecution
Value: !Sub${AWS::Region}#/view/${Pipeline}
Value: !Ref CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket

Similarly, let’s launch this cloud template in the CloudFormation console to create the pipeline definition for execution. Once the CloudFormation template has been executed, navigate to the CodePipeline management console to verify that it has been created. The CloudFormation execution will also execute the newly created pipeline automatically, so you should see that it already ran once. You can test it again by clicking on the Release changes button in the SageMaker management console.

We want to be able to kick off the CodePipeline execution when a change is made (such as a code commit) in the CodeCommit repository. To enable this, we need to create a CloudWatch event that monitors this change and kicks off the pipeline. Let’s get started:

2. Add the following code block to the mlpipeline.yaml file, just before the Outputs section, and save the file as mlpipeline_1.yaml.

  BranchName:     Description: CodeCommit branch name     Type: String     Default: master   RepositoryName:     Description: CodeCommit repository name     Type: String     Default: MLSA-repo   ProjectName:     Description: ML project name     Type: String     Default: FinanceSentiment   MlOpsStepFunctionArn:     Description: Step Function Arn     Type: String     Default: arn:aws:states:ca-central-1:300165273893:stateMachine:TrainingStateMachine2-89fJblFk0h7b Resources:   CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket:     Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'     DeletionPolicy: Delete   Pipeline:     Type: 'AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline'     Properties:       Name: codecommit-events-pipeline       RoleArn: !GetAtt CodePipelineServiceRole.Arn       ArtifactStore:         Type: S3         Location: !Ref CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket       Stages:         - Name: Source           Actions:             - Name: SourceAction               ActionTypeId:                 Category: Source                 Owner: AWS                 Version: 1                 Provider: CodeCommit               OutputArtifacts:                 - Name: SourceOutput               Configuration:                 BranchName: !Ref BranchName                 RepositoryName: !Ref RepositoryName                 PollForSourceChanges: false               RunOrder: 1         - Name: ModelBuilding           Actions:             - Name: ExecuteSagemakerMLOpsStepFunction               InputArtifacts:                 - Name: SourceOutput               ActionTypeId:                 Category: Invoke                 Owner: AWS                 Version: 1                 Provider: StepFunctions               OutputArtifacts:                 - Name: myOutputArtifact               Configuration:                 StateMachineArn: !Ref MlOpsStepFunctionArn                 ExecutionNamePrefix: finbert                 InputType: FilePath                 Input: sf_start_params.json               RunOrder: 1       ArtifactStore:         Type: S3         Location: !Ref CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket   CodePipelineServiceRole:     Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role'     Properties:       AssumeRolePolicyDocument:         Version: 2012-10-17         Statement:           - Effect: Allow             Principal:               Service:                 -             Action: 'sts:AssumeRole'       Path: /       Policies:         - PolicyName: AWS-CodePipeline-Service-3           PolicyDocument:             Version: 2012-10-17             Statement:               - Resource: '*'                 Effect: Allow                 Action:                   - 'codecommit:CancelUploadArchive'                   - 'codecommit:GetBranch'                   - 'codecommit:GetCommit'                   - 'codecommit:GetUploadArchiveStatus'                   - 'codecommit:UploadArchive'               - Resource:                   - !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket}/*                 Effect: Allow                 Action:                   - s3:PutObject                   - s3:GetObject                   - s3:GetObjectVersion                   - s3:GetBucketVersioning               - Resource: "*"                 Effect: Allow                 Action:                                     - codebuild:StartBuild                   - codebuild:BatchGetBuilds                   - iam:PassRole                   - states:DescribeStateMachine                   - states:StartExecution                   - states:DescribeExecution     AmazonCloudWatchEventRole:     Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role'     Properties:       AssumeRolePolicyDocument:         Version: 2012-10-17         Statement:           - Effect: Allow             Principal:               Service:                 -             Action: 'sts:AssumeRole'       Path: /       Policies:         - PolicyName: cwe-pipeline-execution           PolicyDocument:             Version: 2012-10-17             Statement:               - Effect: Allow                 Action: 'codepipeline:StartPipelineExecution'                 Resource: !Join                    - ''                   - - 'arn:aws:codepipeline:'                     - !Ref 'AWS::Region'                     - ':'                     - !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'                     - ':'                     - !Ref Pipeline   AmazonCloudWatchEventRule:     Type: 'AWS::Events::Rule'     Properties:       EventPattern:         source:           - aws.codecommit         detail-type:           - CodeCommit Repository State Change         resources:           - !Join              - ''             - - 'arn:aws:codecommit:'               - !Ref 'AWS::Region'               - ':'               - !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'               - ':'               - !Ref RepositoryName         detail:           event:             - referenceCreated             - referenceUpdated           referenceType:             - branch           referenceName:             - master       Targets:         - Arn: !Join              - ''             - - 'arn:aws:codepipeline:'               - !Ref 'AWS::Region'               - ':'               - !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'               - ':'               - !Ref Pipeline           RoleArn: !GetAtt              - AmazonCloudWatchEventRole             - Arn           Id: codepipeline-AppPipeline                   Outputs:   PipelineUrl:     Value: !Sub${AWS::Region}#/view/${Pipeline}   ArtifactBucket:     Value: !Ref CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket

3. Now, run this CloudFormation template to create a new pipeline. You can delete the previously created pipeline by deleting the CloudFormation stack. This will run the pipeline again automatically. Wait until the pipeline’s execution is complete before you start the next step.

4. Now, let’s test the automatic execution of the pipeline by committing a change to the code repository. Find a file in your cloned code repository directory. Create a new file called pipelinetest.txt and commit the change to the code repository. Navigate to the CodePipeline console; you should see the codecommit-events-pipeline pipeline starting to run.

Congratulations! you have successfully used CloudFormation to build a CodePipeline-based ML training pipeline that automatically runs when there is a file change in a CodeCommit repository. Next, let’s build the ML deployment pipeline for the model.

Creating a CloudFormation template for the ML deployment pipeline

To start creating a deployment, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the following code block to create a file called mldeployment.yaml. This CloudFormation template will deploy a model using the SageMaker hosting service. Make sure that you enter the correct model’s name for your environment:
Description: Basic Hosting of registered model
Description: Model Name
Type: String
Default: <mode name>
Type: AWS::SageMaker::Endpoint
EndpointConfigName: !GetAtt EndpointConfig.EndpointConfigName
Type: AWS::SageMaker::EndpointConfig
InitialInstanceCount: 1
InitialVariantWeight: 1.0
InstanceType: ml.m4.xlarge
ModelName: !Ref ModelName
VariantName: !Ref ModelName
Value: !Ref Endpoint
Value: !GetAtt Endpoint.EndpointName

Similarly, let’s launch this cloud template in the CloudFormation console to create the pipeline definition for execution. Once the CloudFormation template has been executed, navigate to the CodePipeline management console to verify that it has been created. The CloudFormation execution will also execute the newly created pipeline automatically, so you should see that it already ran once. You can test it again by clicking on the Release changes button in the SageMaker management console.

We want to be able to kick off the CodePipeline execution when a change is made (such as a code commit) in the CodeCommit repository. To enable this, we need to create a CloudWatch event that monitors this change and kicks off the pipeline. Let’s get started:

Add the following code block to the mlpipeline.yaml file, just before the Outputs section, and save the file as mlpipeline_1.yaml

  BranchName:     Description: CodeCommit branch name     Type: String     Default: master   RepositoryName:     Description: CodeCommit repository name     Type: String     Default: MLSA-repo   ProjectName:     Description: ML project name     Type: String     Default: FinanceSentiment   MlOpsStepFunctionArn:     Description: Step Function Arn     Type: String     Default: arn:aws:states:ca-central-1:300165273893:stateMachine:TrainingStateMachine2-89fJblFk0h7b Resources:   CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket:     Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'     DeletionPolicy: Delete   Pipeline:     Type: 'AWS::CodePipeline::Pipeline'     Properties:       Name: codecommit-events-pipeline       RoleArn: !GetAtt CodePipelineServiceRole.Arn       ArtifactStore:         Type: S3         Location: !Ref CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket       Stages:         - Name: Source           Actions:             - Name: SourceAction               ActionTypeId:                 Category: Source                 Owner: AWS                 Version: 1                 Provider: CodeCommit               OutputArtifacts:                 - Name: SourceOutput               Configuration:                 BranchName: !Ref BranchName                 RepositoryName: !Ref RepositoryName                 PollForSourceChanges: false               RunOrder: 1         - Name: ModelBuilding           Actions:             - Name: ExecuteSagemakerMLOpsStepFunction               InputArtifacts:                 - Name: SourceOutput               ActionTypeId:                 Category: Invoke                 Owner: AWS                 Version: 1                 Provider: StepFunctions               OutputArtifacts:                 - Name: myOutputArtifact               Configuration:                 StateMachineArn: !Ref MlOpsStepFunctionArn                 ExecutionNamePrefix: finbert                 InputType: FilePath                 Input: sf_start_params.json               RunOrder: 1       ArtifactStore:         Type: S3         Location: !Ref CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket   CodePipelineServiceRole:     Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role'     Properties:       AssumeRolePolicyDocument:         Version: 2012-10-17         Statement:           - Effect: Allow             Principal:               Service:                 -             Action: 'sts:AssumeRole'       Path: /       Policies:         - PolicyName: AWS-CodePipeline-Service-3           PolicyDocument:             Version: 2012-10-17             Statement:               - Resource: '*'                 Effect: Allow                 Action:                   - 'codecommit:CancelUploadArchive'                   - 'codecommit:GetBranch'                   - 'codecommit:GetCommit'                   - 'codecommit:GetUploadArchiveStatus'                   - 'codecommit:UploadArchive'               - Resource:                   - !Sub arn:aws:s3:::${CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket}/*                 Effect: Allow                 Action:                   - s3:PutObject                   - s3:GetObject                   - s3:GetObjectVersion                   - s3:GetBucketVersioning               - Resource: "*"                 Effect: Allow                 Action:                                     - codebuild:StartBuild                   - codebuild:BatchGetBuilds                   - iam:PassRole                   - states:DescribeStateMachine                   - states:StartExecution                   - states:DescribeExecution     AmazonCloudWatchEventRole:     Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role'     Properties:       AssumeRolePolicyDocument:         Version: 2012-10-17         Statement:           - Effect: Allow             Principal:               Service:                 -             Action: 'sts:AssumeRole'       Path: /       Policies:         - PolicyName: cwe-pipeline-execution           PolicyDocument:             Version: 2012-10-17             Statement:               - Effect: Allow                 Action: 'codepipeline:StartPipelineExecution'                 Resource: !Join                    - ''                   - - 'arn:aws:codepipeline:'                     - !Ref 'AWS::Region'                     - ':'                     - !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'                     - ':'                     - !Ref Pipeline   AmazonCloudWatchEventRule:     Type: 'AWS::Events::Rule'     Properties:       EventPattern:         source:           - aws.codecommit         detail-type:           - CodeCommit Repository State Change         resources:           - !Join              - ''             - - 'arn:aws:codecommit:'               - !Ref 'AWS::Region'               - ':'               - !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'               - ':'               - !Ref RepositoryName         detail:           event:             - referenceCreated             - referenceUpdated           referenceType:             - branch           referenceName:             - master       Targets:         - Arn: !Join              - ''             - - 'arn:aws:codepipeline:'               - !Ref 'AWS::Region'               - ':'               - !Ref 'AWS::AccountId'               - ':'               - !Ref Pipeline           RoleArn: !GetAtt              - AmazonCloudWatchEventRole             - Arn           Id: codepipeline-AppPipeline                   Outputs:   PipelineUrl:     Value: !Sub${AWS::Region}#/view/${Pipeline}   ArtifactBucket:     Value: !Ref CodePipelineArtifactStoreBucket

1. Now, run this CloudFormation template to create a new pipeline. You can delete the previously created pipeline by deleting the CloudFormation stack. This will run the pipeline again automatically. Wait until the pipeline’s execution is complete before you start the next step.

2. Now, let’s test the automatic execution of the pipeline by committing a change to the code repository. Find a file in your cloned code repository directory. Create a new file called pipelinetest.txt and commit the change to the code repository. Navigate to the CodePipeline console; you should see the codecommit-events-pipeline pipeline starting to run.

Congratulations! you have successfully used CloudFormation to build a CodePipeline-based ML training pipeline that automatically runs when there is a file change in a CodeCommit repository. Next, let’s build the ML deployment pipeline for the model.

Creating a CloudFormation template for the ML deployment pipeline

To start creating a deployment, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy the following code block to create a file called mldeployment.yaml. This CloudFormation template will deploy a model using the SageMaker hosting service. Make sure that you enter the correct model’s name for your environment:
Description: Basic Hosting of registered model
Description: Model Name
Type: String
Default: <mode name>
Type: AWS::SageMaker::Endpoint
EndpointConfigName: !GetAtt EndpointConfig.EndpointConfigName
Type: AWS::SageMaker::EndpointConfig
InitialInstanceCount: 1
InitialVariantWeight: 1.0
InstanceType: ml.m4.xlarge
ModelName: !Ref ModelName
VariantName: !Ref ModelName
Value: !Ref Endpoint
Value: !GetAtt Endpoint.EndpointName

2. Create a CloudFormation stack using this file and verify that a SageMaker endpoint has been created. Now, upload the mldeployment.yaml file to the code repository directory and commit the change to CodeCommit. Note that this file will be used by the CodePipeline deployment pipeline, which we will create in the following steps.

3. Before we create the deployment pipeline, we need a template config file for passing parameters to the deployment template when it is executed. Here, we need to pass the model name to the pipeline. Copy the following code block, save it to a file called mldeployment.json, upload it to the code repository directory in Studio, and commit the change to codecommit:

"Parameters" : {
"ModelName" : <name of the financial sentiment model you have trained>

4. Now, we can create a CodePipeline pipeline CloudFormation template for automatic model deployment. This pipeline has two main stages:

a) The first stage fetches source code (such as the configuration file we just created and the mldeployment.yaml template) from a CodeCommit repository.

b) The second stage creates a CloudFormation change set (a change set is the difference between a new template and an existing CloudFormation stack) for the mldeployment.yaml file we created earlier. It adds a manual approval step and then deploys the CloudFormation template’s mldeployment.yaml file.

This CloudFormation template also creates supporting resources, including an S3 bucket for storing the CodePipeline artifacts, an IAM role for CodePipeline to run with, and another IAM role for CloudFormation to use to create the stack for mldeployment.yaml.

5. Copy the following code block and save the file as mldeployment-pipeline.yaml.

Description: CodeCommit branch name
Type: String
Default: master
Description: CodeCommit repository name
Type: String
Default: MLSA-repo
Description: ML project name
Type: String
Default: FinanceSentiment
Description: SNS topic for NotificationArn
Default: arn:aws:sns:ca-central-1:300165273893:CodePipelineSNSTopicApproval
Type: String
Default: mldeploymentconfig.json
Description: The configuration file name for the production WordPress stack
Type: String
Default: FinanceSentimentMLStack1
Description: A name for the production WordPress stack
Type: String
Default: mldeployment.yaml
Description: The file name of the WordPress template
Type: String
Default: FinanceSentimentchangeset
Description: A name for the production stack change set
Type: String
Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
DeletionPolicy: Delete
. . . . .

Now, let’s launch the newly created mldeployment-pipeline.yaml template in the CloudFormation console to create the deployment pipeline, and then run the pipeline from the CodePipeline console.

We successfully created and run a CodePipeline deployment pipeline to deploy a model from the SageMaker model registry.


In this 2-part blog, we discussed the key requirements for building an enterprise ML platform to meet needs such as end-to-end ML life cycle support, process automation, and separating different environments. We also talked about architecture patterns and how to build an enterprise ML platform on AWS using AWS services. We discussed the core capabilities of different ML environments, including training, hosting, and shared services.

